Thursday, August 6, 2009

Exercise 1 - Research Blog

The game design that I'm discussing here is my all time favorite - Counter-Strike. I have been playing this game for about 8 years (2000-2008).

Hmm, so what make the game so fun?

1) Followship i.e. multi-playerability. This makes players interact and communicate more with another players, as such making the game more engaging as compared to playing with bots.

2) Randomness: Game isn't linear, everytime you play/ re-play the game, you will encounter different situation or challenges. Players will explore different tactics each round to counter his opponents.

3) Challenge: Players have to work in team to solve certain task i.e to planting bomb or rescue the hostages etc. This involve planning and problem solving. For example, player will think of way to flank the enemies etc.

4) Sensation: Players feel pleasurable when they 'head-shot' or 'knifed' the opponents. Or even being the top-frag makes them feel good.

5) Time Pressure: Players have to complete the mission within the given time-frame if not they simply lose the match. This add on stress to motivate players to work harder and thus engaging them.

Areas to improve on:

Generally, the game design is very good in term of simplicity and gameplay mechanics. However, the game isn't realistic as compared to what we have in real-life combat. Features such as jumping and shooting at the same time/ bunny-hopping/ running faster in when carrying knife etc doesn't map to real life combat.

It can be improved if it is more realistic ? or will it be less fun?

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